Ana Paula Saenz: Power up

Devojka nestvarne lepote, bogate karijere i neko ko ima veliku strast za poslom koji se bavi, u razgovoru sa Grazia magazinom otkriva tajnu svog izgleda ali i svoje planove za budućnost

Šta je najbolji deo vašeg posla?

Bez sumnje, ono što volim kod svog posla je to što mi omogućava da putujem i vidim svet. Mislim da je ovo jedna od osnovnih komponenti moje profesije, pošto sam žena kojoj su uvek potrebni novi podsticaji i nova stvarnost da bi posmatrala – mislim da mi je ovo pomoglo da postanem osoba kakva sam danas, i svako treba da putuje mnogo kako bi naučio o novim kulturama, kako bi otvorio svoj um i kako bi naučio da „drugačije na kraju nije toliko drugačije“.

Vi ste stilski uzor mnogima od ranih tinejdžerskih dana. Možete li nam reći koja je tajna besprekornog stila?

Tajna da budete modna ikona? Definitivno strast. Strast je ono što uvek sija, ono što se ne može sakriti od očiju drugih. Ako nedostaje ova komponenta, koja je po mom mišljenju suštinska, onda se ne može uspeti. Od detinjstva sam strastvena prema modi, sećam se da sam prelistavala modne časopise od malih nogu: interesovanje koje me je pratilo celog života. Takođe verujem da je, s obzirom na moje poreklo i estetiku, moj stil veoma poseban i jedinstven. Zato mnogi ljudi crpe inspiraciju od mene, nisam klasičan mršav i veoma visok model, moje obline su ono što mi je omogućilo da pokažem da nemate da bude veličina 34 da bude moderan i moderan. Sve dolazi iznutra, iz nečije sposobnosti da se učini posebnim.

Vežbanje je veoma važan deo vašeg života. Možete li našim čitaocima reći kako da dođu do savršenih trbušnjaka?

Počela sam da treniram veoma mlada, i to mi je omogućilo da dođem do tela koje sada imam. Ali znate, na sport ne treba gledati samo kao na „sport da izgledate dobro spolja“ – pravi ključ je da to bude stil života, nešto što vas čini srećnim. Možete primetiti da fizička aktivnost dovodi do trenutne sreće ubrzo nakon treninga: to se dešava jer, dok se krećemo, naše telo oslobađa endorfine (Za one koji ne znaju, endorfini su supstance koje proizvodi mozak, klasifikovane kao neurotransmiteri ili hemijski prenosioci u telu. Kada se oslobode, mogu pomoći u ublažavanju bolova, smanjenju stresa i stvaranju osećaja euforije i blagostanja). Vežbanje za mene nije samo da izgledam dobro, već i da se osećam dobro iznutra.

Šta jedete kada imate cheat day? Da li imate takve dane?

Naravno! Neophodno je održavati niskokaloričnu ishranu, ali mozgu su takođe potrebne nagrade. A sada ću vam otkriti svoju omiljenu hranu: takos! Kao što znate, ja sam Meksikanka, tako da to može biti samo hrana koja je nastala u mojoj zemlji! Volim takose, uvek ću voleti takose!

Možete li da podelite svoje najupečatljivije iskustvo kao manekenka?

Moje najvažnije iskustvo u modelingu je definitivno bilo moj prvi put na snimanju: još uvek se sećam koliko sam bila srećna i oduševljena, bilo je toliko ljudi koji su trčali s jedne strane na drugu, i mnogo profesionalaca: šminkeri, stilisti, fotografi i videografi. Prvo što sam pomislila? Vau, želim da moj život bude ovakav. Volim da gledam u sebe, a manekenstvo mi je omogućilo da razvijem najekstrovertniji deo sebe, jer svaki dan dolaziš u kontakt sa novim ljudima, svaki sa svojim karakterom. Ako pogledam prve slike, osećam se tako mlado, ali nikad nisam prestala da sanjam: to je osobina koja će ostati sa mnom zauvek.

Koju zemlju biste voleli da posetite, ali još uvek niste?

Morate da znate jednu stvar o meni: ja sam zaljubljena u prirodu! Oduvek sam živela u velikim gradovima poput Meksiko Sitija i Dubaija, ali ono o čemu zapravo sanjam je mir i tišina prirode. Zemlja koju bih želela da posetim, i u koju se nadam da ću uskoro otići, je Island! Videla sam da postoje pejzaži koji oduzimaju dah, gde možete videti neverovatne zalaske i izlaske sunca! Jedini problem je možda hladnoća, navikla sam da živim u toplijim krajevima. O i Švajcarska! Čak i samo gledanje fotografija te zemlje čini me mirnijim: tišina planina, tišina reka i njenih vodopada! Ah, već maštam o tome kada ću biti tamo.

Da li postoji modna kuća ili brend sa kojim sanjate da radite?

Naravno! Sanjam da radim sa Hermesom, veliki sam fan ovog brenda, u stvari imam torbe, narukvice, šalove, kaiševe i sandale! Smatram da je jednostavno uravnotežen: elegancija i luksuz reprodukovani u veličanstvenom zanatu. Vau! Takođe se nadam da ću jednog dana raditi sa brendovima satova: moji fanovi znaju moju strast prema brendovima Patek Philippe i Richard Mill. Već sam kupila mnoge njihove komade, ali nikada ne bih prestala da kupujem nove kolekcije.

Možete li nam opisati kako izgleda jedan vaš slobodan dan?

Moj dan se uvek menja, međutim, mogu reći svoju opštu rutinu u mirnijem danu. Rano se budim da bih mogla da iskoristim dan na najbolji način: doručak je za mene ključni obrok, daje mi energiju da mogu da započnem trening na najbolji mogući način. Odmah nakon toga idem u teretanu, vežbam svaki dan najmanje 2 sata dnevno. Nakon toga, posvećujem se dobrobiti svog tela: da bih mogla da optimizujem rezultate u teretani i ishrani radim svakodnevne drenažne i tonirajuće masaže, za obnavljanje mišića. Posle toga, sledi malo meditacije: zdravo telo ne može boraviti sa nezdravim umom! U stvari, ako niste mentalno stabilni, teško je biti u stanju da sledite svoje ciljeve. Sredinom popodneva čitam nekoliko sati. Jako volim da učim, i mislim sam da znanje uvek mora da napreduje i da se ne može zaustaviti samo zato što više ne ideš u školu. I konačno, posvećujem se stvaranju sadržaja za svoje društvene mreže: moram da kreiram sadržaj za nekoliko stranica, uključujući Instagram, Tviter i TiktTok!

Gde vidite sebe za pet godina?

Za pet godina… za pet godina želim da budem model. Želela bih da razvijam svoju karijeru na mestima pogodnim za to, kao što su Sjedinjene Države ili Francuska: Pariz mi daje zaista pozitivnu vibraciju da mogu da krenem ovim putem. Planiram i razvoj fitnes aplikacije, ali još uvek ne mogu da vam otkijem mnogo, ali ćete o tome uskoro čuti više! I naravno, posvetiću se i stvaranju porodice: nisam to spomenula, ali to je vrednost koja je ukorenjena u meni, koju više volim da zadržim privatno.

English here:

Ana Paula Saenz: Power up

Girl with incredible beauty, big career and someone who has enormus passion for the job she is doing, in conversation with Grazia magazine shares secret of her looks and also her future plans

What is the best part of your job?

Without a doubt, what I love about my job is that it allows me to travel and see the world. I think this is one of the fundamental components of my profession, as I am a woman who always needs new stimuli and new realities to observe-I think this has helped me become the person I am today, and everyone should travel a lot to learn about new cultures, to open their minds and to learn that “different in the end is not so different.”

You are a true fashion icon at such a young age. Can you tell us what is the secret of impeccable style?

The secret to being a fashion icon? Definitely passion. Passion is what always shines through, what cannot be hidden from the eyes of others. If this component, which in my opinion is fundamental, is missing, then one cannot be successful. I have been passionate about fashion since I was a child, I remember flipping through fashion magazines from an early age: an interest that has accompanied me throughout my life. I also believe that, given my background and aesthetic, my style is very particular and unique. That’s why a lot of people take inspiration from me, let’s say I look more like what the general physique might be: I’m not the classic skinny and very tall model, my curves are what allowed me to show that you don’t have to be a size 34 to be fashionable and stylish. Everything comes from within, from one’s ability to make oneself special.

Working out is very important part of your life. Can you tell our readers how to get perfect abs?

Workout for me is not just about appearing. I started working out when I was very young, and that allowed me to get to the physical goal I have now. But you know, sport should not be seen solely as “sport to look good on the outside”-the real key is to make it a lifestyle, something that makes you happy. If you notice, doing physical activity leads to immediate happiness soon after: this happens because, as we move, our body releases endorphins (For those who don’t know, Endorphins are substances produced by the brain, classified as neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers in the body. When released, they can help relieve pain, reduce stress and generate a feeling of euphoria and well-being). Workout for me is not just to look good, it is mainly to feel good inside.

What do you eat when you have a cheat day? Do you have any actually?

Of course I do the cheat day! It is essential to be able to maintain a low-calorie diet, the brain also needs rewards. And now I am going to reveal my favorite food to splurge on: tacos! As you know I am Mexican, so it could only be a food native to my country! I love Tacos, I will always love tacos ahah.

Can you share your most memorable modeling experience?

My most important modeling experience was definitely my first time on a set: I still remember how happy and ecstatic I was, there were so many people running from one side to the other, and many professional figures: make-up artists, stylists, photographers and videographers. The first thing I thought? Wow, I want my life to be like this. I like having my eyes on me, and also modeling has allowed me to develop the most extroverted part of myself, as every day you come into contact with new people, each with its own character. If I look at the first pictures I feel so small, but I have never lost the dreamy eyes: they are a feature that will remain with me forever.

Which country you would love to visit, but you still haven’t?

You must know one thing about me: I am in love with nature! I have always lived in big cities like Mexico City and Dubai, but what I actually dream of is the peace and quiet of nature. The country I would like to visit, and to which I hope to go very soon, is Iceland! I have seen that there are breathtaking landscapes, where you can see incredible sunsets and sunrises! The only problem maybe is the cold, I am used to living in warmer places 🙂 Oh And Switzerland as well! Even just seeing photos of that country makes me more peaceful: the quietness of the mountains, the calmness of the rivers and its waterfalls! Ah, I am already dreaming when I will be there.

Is there any fashion house or brand, that you dream of working with?

Of course! I dream of working with Hermes, I am a huge fan of this brand, in fact I have bags, bracelets, scarves, belts and sandals from them! I find it simply balanced: elegance and luxury reproduced in a magnificent craft. Wow! And also I hope one day to work with watch brands: my fans know my passion for Patek Philippe and Richard Mill brands 🙂 I have already bought many of their watches, but I would never stop buying new collections.

Can you describe us how one of your days off looks like?

My day always changes, however, I can tell my general routine on a quieter day. I wake up early so I can make the most of the day: breakfast is a key meal for me, it gives me the energy to be able to start my workouts in the best possible way. Immediately after that I go to the gym, I work out every day at least 2 hours a day: between cardio and weights they go by really fast! After that, I dedicate myself to the well-being of my body: to be able to optimize the results in the gym and nutrition I do daily draining and toning massages, to restore the muscle. After that, I follow with some meditation: a healthy body cannot reside in an unhealthy mint! In fact, if you are not mentally stable, it is difficult to be able to pursue your goals. In the middle of the afternoon I read a few hours: I really like to study, I am of the idea that knowledge must always be progressing and cannot be stopped just because you don’t go to school anymore. Culture is important in order not to have a lazy mind. And finally I dedicate myself to creating content for my socials: I have to create content for several pages, including Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok! so let’s kick off photoshoot session and video.

Where do you see your life and career in five years?

In five years… in five years, I want to be a fashion model. I would like to develop my career in places suitable for this, such as the United States or France: Paris gives me a really positive vibe to be able to take this path. I am also planning the development of a fitness application, but I still can not give much news.. is still top secret, but you will hear about it very soon all over the world! And of course, I will also dedicate myself to the creation of a family: I didn’t mention it but it is a value rooted in me, which I prefer to keep private.

Team credits:

Photography: Infierno @infierno

Model: Ana Paula Saenz @anapaulasaenzoficialgm

Stylist:  Dante Albertii @dantealbertti

Hair and make-up: Karina Martinez @karianamua