Tiana Marcano: Modeling je poziv

Jedinstvena devojka koja stvara izazove za standarde lepote u modnoj industriji, Tiana Marcano, svojim samopuzdanjem i svojom kreativnošću krči put modelima sitne građe. Sa ovom mladom njujorčankom smo razgovarali o očuvanju vrednosti, ambicijama i načinima na koje možete ostaviti nezaboravan utisak

Total look: Dollskill @dollskill

Tiana, kako ste uplivali u manekenske vode?

Zvanično sam krenula da se bavim manekenstvom kada sam imala 21 godinu. Živela sam u Parizu 3 meseca i tamo sam pokazala interesovanje za ovu industriju i dobila želju da se oprobam kao model. Kada sam se vratila u Njujork nisam imala predstavu kako se pokreće manekenksa karijera. Moj tadašnji dečko me je ohrabrivao da se prijavljujem u agencije veoma dugo ali sam se ja plašila odbacivanja. Sećam se da mi je govorio “Nemaš šta da izgubiš zato što mogu da te prime ili odbiju”. Hvala bogu da sam ga poslušala i nakon mesec dana EMG Models je potpisao sa mnom dvogodišnji ugovor.

Bodi: Blue Bella @bluebella

Čarape: Wolford @wolford

Cipele: Steve Madden @stevemadden

Kako ste uspeli da se izborite sa prihvatljivim standardima koje ova industrija ima?

To sam uradila svojim prisustvom, voljom i razumevanjem funkcionisanja ove industrije. Uvek sam dolazila na kastinge bezobzira što sam bila niža od zahtevanog standarda, posebno za vreme Nedelje mode u Njujorku. Nalazila sam se u prostoriji sa devojkama koje su preko 180cm visoke i mislila da pripadam tamo. Takođe sam veoma zahvalna svim agencijama koje su me zvale na ove kastinge i koje su pomogle da razvijem svoju karijeru petite modela. Moj uspeh je eksplodirao u samo 3 godine nakon bavljenja modelingom samo zato jer nisam dozvolila da me nijedna prepreka spreči. Razumevanje modne industrije je u mnogome doprinelo mom uspehu. Na primer kada su svi blajhali obrve, ja sam odlučila da taj trend prilagodim sebi tako što ću ih ofarbati u boju koja ide uz moj ten. Takva vrsta razumevanja mi je donela uspeh u ovoj branši id ala mi snagu da se borim za svoju strast i mislim da svi klijenti koji me angažuju to i vide.

Top, suknja, sve: Aunt Sister @auntsisterofficial

Veš: Skims @skims

Cipele: Prada @prada

Da li je modeling za vas hobi ili profesija?

Modeling je za mene uvek bio profesija. Naravno, put je bio veoma trnovit, ali kao i za većinu današnjih anekenki ljubav prema ovom poslu me je i naterala da ga odaberem kao svoj poziv.

Kako napreduje vaša umetnička karijera, koji su vaši snovi?

Uvek sam nalazila više načina da kanališem svoju kreativnost. Moj san je da omogućim i ostalim sitnijim devojkama da mogu da se bave ovim poslom i da to nazivaju svojom karijerom. To sve ima veze i sa vremenom u kom živimo, jer su sada pravila u modnoj industriji mnogo drugačija gde se prihvataju različitosti. Jako bih želela da kao petite model budem u kampanjama luksuznih francuskih modnih kuća kao što su Celine, Chanel i YSL. Uvek sam bila zaljubljenik u francusku modu, posebno u Chanel još od kad je Gabrielle osnovala ovaj brenda sa idejom da redefiniše žensku modu. To me najviše inspiriše i mislim da svi treba da se ugledaju na njenu ideju. Što se tiče kampanja volela bih da budem zaštitno lice brendova kao što su Khaite, Zara, Calvin Klein, Jacquemus, Swarovski, Ralph Lauren, Skims, Nordstrom, i Saks Fifth Avenue. Što se tiče beauty brendova volela bih da radim sa Meritom ili Westman Atelierom. Ekološki brendovi su mi dosta privlačni. Pored svega toga volela bih da sarađujem sa mnogim kreativcima koji imaju integritet i koji prihvataju različitosti.

Bodi: Blue Bella @bluebella

Čarape: Wolford @wolford

Cipele: Steve Madden @stevemadden

Šta biste poželeli našim čitaocima u 2023?

Poželela bih im da upoznaju sebe. Da zaista shvate svoju jedinstvenost i da pronađu svoje mesto u svetu. Moraju da znaju da taj put nije uvek jednostavan ali donosi sreću. Veoma važna stvar koju mi je rekla jedna draga osoba je da “živimo u okeanu gde je svako od nas jedinstvena kap vode”. To mi je ostalo urezano u pamćenju. Tako da vašim čitaocima želim da psotanu da unikatna kapljica vode i da svoj sjaj manifestuju okeanu.

English here:

Tiana Marcano: Modeling is a calling

A unique droplet in the ocean, a girl who challenges beauty standards in the fashion industry, Tiana Marcano is paving the way for petite models with her self-confidence and infinite creativity. We talked with the young model from New York about her perseverance, ambitions and ways to make an unforgettable impression.

Top, suknja, sve: Aunt Sister @auntsisterofficial

Veš: Skims @skims

Cipele: Prada @prada

Tiana, at what age did you enter the modeling business?

I officially entered the modeling business when I was 21 years old. Living in Paris, France for 3 months reignited my interest in the Fashion & Modeling Industry and I had the desire to model. When I got back home to New York I had no idea where to start in regard to a career in modeling. My boyfriend at the time had encouraged me to apply to agencies since he knew I wanted to be a model for a very long time. I was concerned about rejection at the time and I remember him telling me “I don’t have anything left to lose because I can either stay where I’m at already if they reject me or go up from there if they accept me”. Thank god I listened to him since EMG Models had signed me a month later under an exclusive 2-year contract.     

Total look: Dollskill @dollskill

How did you challenge the generally accepted standards of the Fashion Industry and achieve success?

I did that through my presence, will, and understanding of the fashion industry. I always showed up to castings that felt aligned despite the height requirements, especially during NYFW castings. I would be in a room filled with 5’8 models and show up to that casting being 5’3 emanating that I belong there because I truly knew within my being that I did belong there and that I was well qualified. Also, I’m grateful for the agencies I’ve been signed with that invited me to show up to the NYFW castings or castings in general that had height requirements and support my journey in paving the pathway for petite models. A lot of petite models don’t even have the opportunity to attend castings that have certain height requirements. Also, my unwavering will to continue forward despite the obstacles that were being presented to me contributed to my success. My success flourished in a rapid manner 3 years into modeling, and if I had stopped before then due to obstacles I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now. Understanding the Fashion Industry definitely contributed to my success as a model. As a model, you have to be up to date with trends but follow them in a manner that’s aligned with you without compromising yourself. When everyone was doing the no-eyebrow look by bleaching their eyebrows blonde I had tailored that trend to myself. So instead of bleaching my eyebrows the same way everyone else was I decided to go with my vision which was to dye my eyebrows strawberry blonde but more on the blonder side. That was aligned with who I am and was so natural to me to have the spark of fire within my no-eyebrow look. Having this understanding did contribute to my success as a model since it showed that I am paying attention to the industry and have a true passion for it, which clients like to see.        

Bodi: Blue Bella @bluebella

Čarape: Wolford @wolford

Cipele: Steve Madden @stevemadden

Is modeling a hobby or a profession for you?

Modeling has always been a profession for me. Of course, my journey in modeling has been strenuous just like most models but my unwavering will kept me going in this profession.           

How is your artistic career shaping up, what are your dreams?

I’ve always had various ways to channel my creativity and modeling is one of those channels. My dream is to successfully pave a pathway for petite models to have an actual career within the industry and not shy away from this career because of all the challenges they face. This is also very much aligned with a realization I had where I wanted the Fashion and Modeling Industry to be more in integrity with the truth that there is divine beauty in all shapes and forms. My career dreams are to be a petite runway model for French luxury brands such as Celine, Chanel, and YSL. I’ve always been in love with French brands in general but those specific brands especially Chanel I’ve dreamt of forever and have even felt like I dreamt of Chanel before this lifetime. Chanel always stood out to me since Gabrielle Chanel had created this brand with the intention of redefining and challenging how women should look during her time. She successfully redefined the standards of beauty for women. For campaigns and advertising, it would be a dream to work with Khaite, Zara, Calvin Klein, Jacquemus, Swarovski, Ralph Lauren, Skims, Nordstrom, and Saks Fifth Avenue. For Beauty, I would love to work with Merit or Westman Atelier. I would prefer to work with cleaner beauty brands. Above all of those dreams, I would love to work with other creatives that are aligned with grounding more integrity with the truth that there is divine beauty in all shapes and forms.      

What would you like to wish our readers in 2023?

The wish I have for our readers is to truly understand and discover who they truly are deep within their souls. To truly know your own magnificence and to be able to emanate that to the world. It’s a continuous non-linear journey, but completing it brings immense joy. A very important and dear person to me once told me “We are an ocean and each of us is a unique droplet within that ocean, which unique individual droplet would you be?”. I remembered this forever. So I wish for our readers to find out which individual droplet they would be in the ocean and to manifest it ever so brightly.     


Team credits:

Photographer: Sydney Claire @___sydneyclaire

Photographer assistant: David Oramas  @davidoramas

Creative Director and Fashion Stylist: Tiana Marcano @tianammarcano

Makeup Artist: Tanya Marques @tanyagmarques

Model: Tiana Marcano @tiana_marcano

PR: Say Media @say__media