Bodi i suknja DAMOWANG @damowang_official Ogrlica Agaric Garden @agaricgarden Ruže Zihan Rose @zihan.rose
Zihan, vi spadate u grupu KOL influensera u Aziji, i imate čak 2.7 miliona pratilaca na platforni Instagram (@babe.weng), a nedavno ste pokrenuli i svoj online cvetni brend pod nazivom “Zihan Rose” @zihan.rose. Recite nam koja je vaša filozofija ili motiv kojim se vodite kada je u pitanju vasa karijera?
Ceo život jurim za lepotom i verujem da ljubav ima moć isceljenja. Ljubav je sila i nagon koji me gura da nastavim svoj put u karijeri. Duboko verujem da je to pravi način.
Kako se javila želja za pokretanjem sopstvenog brenda i zašto ste se baš odlučili za posao sa cvećem?
Od nedavno sam okrenuta “majci prirodi” i osetila sam sve blagodeti koje nam ona pruža. U potpunosti sam inspirisana njom, te sam odlučila da pokrenem brend koji je inspirisan cvećem i ružama kako bih ljudima donela pozitivnu energiju. Inspirisao me je brend “forever roses” sa Ekvadora zato što sam sigurna da su najboljeg kvaliteta na svetu, i zato što znam koje su sve tretmane prošle da bi dobile titulu najboljih ruža na svetu. Moj brend “Zihan Rose” kreiran je na istom konceptu. Želja mi je da stvaram umetnička dela koja se naslanjaju na estetiku koju volim, dakle nije u pitanju samo još jedan cvetni buket.
Košulja DOUCHANGLEE @douchanglee Suknja BUERLANGMA @buerlangma
Da li više volite da budete prepoznati kao model / influenser ili kao preduzetnik i zašto?
Želela bih da budem prepoznata kao uspešan preduzetnik i inspirisana sam da kreiram brend koji će biti lider u industriji cveća jer to je moja životna misija. Nadam se da ću ljudima doneti ljubav i sreću kroz svoj brend.
Koja je pozadina “Zihan Rose” brenda? Koja je simbolika?
Zihan Rose je lansiran 20. Maja 2022. Numerološki gledano zbir daje 520, što na mandarinskom kineskom znači volim te i zato je moj brend rođen tog dana. Želim da širim ljubav po celom svetu. Buket ruža mog brenda nije samo poklon već umetničko delo povezano sa lepotom i ljubavlju. Želim da prenesem poruku da je ljubav bezuslovna i večna.
Kako biste sebe opisali? Kao romantičnu i elegantnu ili energičnu i pozitivnu?
Za sebe bih rekla da sam kombinacija romantičnog i elegantnog, energičnog i pozitivnog. Imam mnogo različitih karaktristika. Mislim da se to pokazuje u različitim trenutcima i scenarijima. U ovoj fazi volela bih da ljudi vide da sam ambiciozna, smela i puna pozitivne energije.
Kao što svi znamo umetnici i kreativni umovi će dati svoje srce za umetnost. Možemo li pretpostaviti da ćete vi učiniti isto?
Da, uložoću svoje srce i dušu u svoj rad jer je srž mog brenda da omogućim ljudima da se osećaju voljenima, a kada ljudi dobiju cveće sigurno se tako osećaji.
Koje aktivnosti vam podstiču inspiraciju?
Definitivno bih išla na planinarenje, istraživala prirodu, ili bih jednostavno posmatrala ljude na ulici.
Koja boja vas najbolje opisuje?
Rekla bih srebrna jer srebro je oštro, smelo i misteriozno. Sjaji i reflektuje i druge boje. Mislim da je srebro veoma moćno.
Bodi BOB Jian @bobjian Sat sa dijamantima, prsten, ogrlica i minđuše PIAGET @piaget
Koji bi bio vaš omiljeni hobi uzmemo li u obzir sledeće izbore: golf, pevanje, ples, slikanje, sviranje klavira ili cvetno aranžiranje?
Definitivno ću izabrati cvetno aranžiranje jer mi je slično meditaciji. Osećam se tako opuštajuće kada aranžiram cveće.
Koji su vam planovi nakon lansiranja brenda koji se bavi cvetnim aranžmanima?
Želim da svoj brend predstavim globalno jer želim da što više ljudi ljudi širom sveta podeli moju ljubav i radost. Donošenje pozitivne energije svetu je moja trenutna vizija.
English here:
Hello Zihan,
You are known as an influential KOL in Asia with 2.7M followers on Instagram @babe.weng and you recently launched your online floral brand called “Zihan Rose” @zihan.rose on May 20th, 2022. What is your philosophy or drive to keep you pursuing your career path?
My whole life, I am always chasing beauty and I believe “love” has the power of healing. “Love” is the force and drive that pushes me to pursue my career path and I also believe that this is my calling.
Why did you want to open a floral brand? Why did you choose forever roses?
Recently I am obsessed with Mother Nature, and I realized I am cleansed after bathing in Mother Nature. I am fully inspired by her, so I decided to open a floral brand to bring the positive energy to people.
I chose “forever roses” from Ecuador because it is known as the best quality in the world and it is also known to be processed 109 treatments to become the king of the “forever roses”. My brand “Zihan Rose” is created by the same concept. It is a no brainer that this is the material that I am going to use for my brand. I want to create artwork with esthetics and love not just another bouquet.
Do you prefer to be recognized as a model/ influencer or as an entrepreneur? Why?
I would like to be recognized as a successful entrepreneur and I am inspired to create a brand that will be the leader of the floral industry because it is my mission in life. I hope to bring happiness and love to people through my brand.
What is the backstory of “Zihan Rose”? What does it mean to you?
Zihan Rose launched on May 20th of 2022. Put May 20th into numbers and it is 520, which sounds like “I love you” in Mandarin, and this is why my brand was born on that specific date. I want to spread love throughout the world. A bouquet of forever roses is not only a gift but an artwork connected with beauty and love. I want to deliver a message that love is unconditional and eternal.
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How would you describe your characteristic? Romantic and elegant or energetic and positive?
I would say I am the combination with being romantic, elegant, energetic and positive. I have many different characteristics. I think it shows at different moments and scenarios. At this stage, I would like people to see that I am ambitious, bold and full of positive energy.
As we all know, artists or creators will whole-heartedly apply their heart into their work. Can we assume that you will do the same?
Yes, I will put my heart and soul into my work because the core of my brand is to let people feel “being loved”; when people receive the flowers, they will definitely feel it.
What activity would you do to keep your inspiration flowing?
I would definitely go hiking or explore Mother Nature or go people watching on the street.
If you want to be defined as a color, what color will it be? Why?
I would say “Silver” – Silver is edgy, bold, and mysterious. It shines and also reflects other colors. I think silver is very powerful.
What is your favorite hobby if you are to choose one among the following selections: golfing, singing, dancing, painting, playing piano or flower arrangement?
I will definitely choose flower arrangement because it is more like meditation to me. It feels so relaxing when I am arranging flowers.
What is your next step after launching your floral brand?
I want to bring my brand globally to have more people around the world share my love and joy; bringing positive energy to the world is my current mission in life.
Bodi i suknja DAMOWANG @damowang_official Ogrlica Agaric Garden @agaricgarden Cipele Chanel @chanelifficial
Ruže Zihan Rose @zihan.rose
Model/Talent: Zihan Weng @babe.weng
Producers: Chrissy Wang @chrisladywang + Anthony Vu Cao
Photographer: Cheng Po Ou Yang @chengpoouyang
Retouch: Ivan Yongqi Liu @ivanliu_
Art Director and Fashion Stylist: Clifford Chu @cliffordchu
Hair Stylist: Shi Cheng Zhang @jun_zhang_hair
Makeup Artist: Eddi-Sheng Hsu @shenghsu_mua
Florist: Hung, Yu-Shang / Zihan Rose @zihan.rose
Hair Assistant: Yi Ling Lu @yiling_mua
Makeup Assistant: Melody Chan @melodychan1124
Styling Assistant: Monca Wu @iammonca
Words: Chrissy Wang @chrisladywang + Anthony Vu Cao
Production: KMG Studio @kmgstudio